Hyphenol is the number one choice for piston-powered cars transitioning to clean energy

284.5 million

How many vehicles were registered in the U.S. for 2019.

4.6 metric tons

That's how much CO2 the average passenger vehicle emits each year using gasoline as a fuel.

1.7 billion tons

This is how many tons of greenhouses gases (GHGs) that are pumped into the U.S. skies each year. (fueleconomy.gov).

The world is moving toward hydrogen to cut greenhouse emissions, reduce pollution, and give the world economy the boost it needs. Governments across the globe are aggressively drafting proposals and rule changes to make this happen. The reality on the ground, however, is that we cannot throw away 300 million cars to make way for hydrogen and electric powered vehicles. It would be nice if there was a some sort of solution in place that would allow a smooth transition to a cleaner and healthier planet, a solution where  we could keep driving our piston-powered cars, and STILL be contributing to lowering pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
Now there is.

The Piston-gap.

Hythanol BridgepdfDownload PDF1.56 MBFounder and CEO, Karl Rudisill, has been developing new technologies in his R&D lab for the last decade precisely because he knew this moment was coming. The Piston-gap. This is a decades long interval when piston-powered cars are still on the road, but where we, as a nation, are moving toward a zero-emission goal. The solution is simple. Keep the cars. Ditch the gas.

Karl – a piston lover at heart since his first car at age 14 – focused on developing a solution to keep ICE (internal combustion engines) vehicles in play for as long as possible while STILL significantly lowering emissions. The end result was a new category of fuels - HyFuels, that would serve as a real-world bridge towards zero emissions. The goal was to develop a clean burning, high octane hydrogen based liquid fuel that could easily replace gasoline and satisfy the most critical carbon emissions state mandates of California at a price point that would compete with pump-gas. The HyFuels was not limited to just CI engines but also Non-CI engines as well. By starting with hydrogen as the base element and working upwards form there - the advantages of hydrogen's zero emissions linked to organic compounds allows for a symbiotic synthesis as a complete fuel combo pack in the phase change from gaseous state to liquid. As ICEs have been designed for a normal 14.7:1 AF ratio - HyFuels have had to be chemically composed to accommodate the combustion dynamics of conventional engines. 




Hythanol® is a clean burning, high octane, low emissions gasoline-replacement. It is a unique hydrogen based liquid fuel that can be produced from different fossil based feedstocks, biomass OR produced as a Hy-fuel directly from different gases created through a phase change during catalysis. This high octane (116+) liquid fuel can be used in ALL spark ignition internal combustion engines. Hythanol® not only surpasses Tier 3 fuel requirements - but exceeds this new standard as there is zero sulfur in the entire fuel chemistry. It also passes stringent CARB restrictions on emissions when used as a primary fuel for cars and trucks.

porsche 1Our low emissions, tri-fuel Porsche Cayman S projectWe have developed this fuel over the course of many months - perfecting it to operate in all types of ICEs - including Brayton Cycle engines as well with very little or Zero engine modifications. With its distinctive high octane rating much more than premium gasoline without the added costs - Hythanol® has a much wider power curve with forced air induction resulting in extreme power increases. The advantages of using Hythanol® as a base fuel are numerous - it's cost competitive with the price of gasoline, far lower CO2 emissions while offering a higher power curve with forced air induction. It can be used as a drop-in additive or as a primary fuel from 1% - 100% without degrading the base fuel.

Hythanol® can be synthesized from hydrogen and several carbon-containing feedstocks including: carbon concentrated sources, such as natural gas, coal or biomass; and IMG 8727carbon dioxide from flue gases of fossil-fueled power plants or cement factories and the atmosphere. Using our 100% carbon-capture and utilization process to produce Hythanol® , we can solve two problems with one high-octane powered "stone." Hythanol®, the first HyFuel of its kind, is a gasoline replacement fuel or a "Bridge to Zero Emissions" for ICEs without all the overhead and investment that required in new manufacturing. The carbon reduction of this unique fuel when used in combustion engines is extreme compared to regular gasoline. Performance tests indicate a 60% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to gasoline, 80% reduction in GHGs, 95% reduction in particulate matter and 0% sulfur.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Carbon Monoxide (CO) are two greenhouse gases, which can cause global warming. One of processes to mitigate these emissions to the atmosphere is to convert them from a syngas from carbon based fuels to valuable products (i.e., Hythanol® and HythanolPLUS). These two liquid fuels start as a hydrogen base. For us to convert these gases to liquid via hydrogenation as a competitive process, the optimal operating conditions with minimum production cost needed to be developed. 

Electrolytic hydrogen production is an efficient way of storing renewable-energy generated electricity and securing the contribution of renewables in future electricity supply. The use of this hydrogen for the production of Hythanol® results in a liquid fuel that can be utilized directly with minor changes in the existing infrastructure. To utilize the renewable-generated hydrogen for the production of renewable Hythanol®, a sustainable carbon source is needed.